Monday, November 19, 2007

Garage meet Opal, Opal, meet Garage

Well, I would have to say that this weekend was one for the books as well. I seem to be having those A LOT lately! I'm a mess, in case you didn't know.
So, here's what happened...
Jennifer and I went to the church for the church "work day" then I dropped her off in Georgetown. I was heading home and was pulling into my garage, when (oops) the door doesn't open. So me being the genius that I am thought to back up and try it again, to see if the sensor would pick up my puck to open the door. Well, I tried twice and no can do. The door isn't going to open. Since I am on a downward slope, putting it in reverse, you have to gun it in order to not hit the door...Well, third time was sort of the charm. I gunned it, but the car wasn't in reverse, and into the door I went. Knowing that there was a car behind me trying to get into the building as well, I knew I was not in a great position. Not only would the door not go up, but it was in a "V" formation now. I slowly backed my car out of the metal wreckage, and pulled over to the side of the road. I think the car behind me was just as stunned as I was, but glad it wasn't them that had to call their insurance, or the condo association to make the claim. After hightailing it into the building to report the situation, I parked the car around the corner, and was going to wait for Matt to come home. When Matt came home, and I finally broke down, weeping in his arms. I took him out to show him the damages, and I bet you can't guess what was waiting for us on my windshield. YOU GOT IT!! I got a $25 parking ticket for not feeding the meter. It just wasn't my day.
Today is Monday, it's a new week and a short one at that. Although, this morning, I plugged our Ipod and it synced and all of the music was deleted from the Ipod. So...I'm sure I have no place to go but up...right?


Angie said...

You're so special. And you're funny. Sorry to hear about the nasty confrontation between Opal and the garage, but the fact that someone else saw it gives me comfort. Things like that should always be witnessed...and then written about. Keep on truckin' along, Hooker.


Dara said...

Poor Opal. An old lady shouldn't have to have that kind of stress.

babyblueeyed girl said...

Im sorry
this happened with Opal
im glad no one was hurt
I hope your having a better day
i love you

babyblueeyed girl said...

Im sorry about Opal and Garage
im glad no one was hurt
i love you