So, Matt and I went up to New York for the weekend. We saw everything from the Met, the Moma, to the Manolo Blahnik boutique (I try to educate). We took a tour of the New York Life building, seeing my dad's name on a plaque in their hallways, all sorts of things. It was pretty cool! We did the Today show to Broadway shows. We did it all. We saw it all! But for me, the most memorable part of this trip wasn't the NYC experience. Don't get me wrong, if you know me at all, you know that I will take NYC in any way it may come. However, on this particular trip, Matt and I thought we would try something new...the "Chinatown Express".
If you don't know what exactly the "Chinatown Express" is, it's an experience, that's what it is. It's a bus that takes you from DC to Boston, Chinatown to Chinatown. We took the DC to NYC bus (naturally). It's a 3-4 hour bus ride, which isn't bad, unless you take the 2AMer. I don't think our bus had shocks.
Okay, let me back up a bit...finding the place to even catch this bus both ways was an adventure within itself. We found the one taking us there, and when we arrived at this place they call a "bus station", everyone in this basement operation was watching what seemed to be "Asian Idol", and it seemed to be good, as everyone was chatting and laughing it up at 1:30am. As I was thirsty, I wanted to see if they sold bottled water. They had a fridge for drinks and what not, but the only thing in this "fridge" was a half gallon of curled milk, a tub of yogurt, and a half empty bottle of water. I opted to swallow my own spit. We FINALLY get on the bus. Matt and I take our seats to settle in for a long winters nap, that is until the bus left the station. IT WAS AWFUL! It was almost like Chorale tour only 100 times WORSE as far as sleeping goes. I won't bore you with more details, but we arrived in NYC around 5:30AM. It was just enough time for us to take the 2, which was hard to find in the ghetto of Chinatown in NYC, up to Rockefeller Center to be front and center on the Today Show. Boy were we tired. However, all we could do was laugh about what we had just endured. I'm glad we did this together. The ride home was much much better, minus the guy in front of us talking loudly on his cell the ENTIRE 3 1/2 hours home, and that I got us lost trying to find the bus station. It was a very memorable trip to NYC. Definitely one for the books.
First of all, you're going to want to turn on comment verification. Second of all, I love that you write exactly like you speak:) Maybe next time you're going to hang outside the Today show you can let us know so we can watch!!
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