I have to tell you this b/c it's too good not to tell...
I was on the Metro a couple of days ago on my way in to work. I am one of those people who has adapted to the unwritten rules on the metro which are:
1. speak only when spoken to
2. always have something to do (ipod, book, newspaper)
3. don't look anyone in the eye...ever.
4. ALWAYS look like you know where you're going, even if you have no idea
Well, this particular morning as we are all crammed in the train into DC, I'm literally glued by people to the door, I am anxiously waiting for us to get to the 3 main stops where everyone gets off in the morning. If for no other reason but the man next to me will stop sweating on me.
After finally making it to Farragut West (the first of the 3 main stops), people could begin to spread out a little more. Between McPherson square (#2) and Metro Center (#3 and my stop), the most wonderful thing happened.... A man broke all of the unwritten metro rules. He started singing "Emmanuel", the Christmas song. If any of you need to know what it sounds like, call me and I will sing it to you. I looked at the man standing next to me, who was TOOOTALLY rubber necking at this guy. We all kind of were a little taken back by it. I looked around and people were pretending that this wasn't happening, but they found themselves trying not to look. Let's face it, how could you not look? He was serenading us! He was pretty good too! By the time the doors were opening at my stop, he was finished. Do you clap? Do you just get off and pretend like this didn't just happen? So, I still heeding to "the rules", just got off with ipod in ears and newspaper in hand. However, there were those who were still on the train trying to figure out what to do. So, as I was leaving, I hear what sounds like the "Sarcastic clapping family" from SNL. It was a very AWKWARD clap, but a clap none the less. The guy was like, thank you thank you, as he got off at my stop as though he were just going to go on in to work, like everything was all normal and right with the world. I still hold the question in my head....What was he thinking? I'm not asking that in a bad way, I'm just wondering....WHAT....Was...He....Thinking....? Did he want money? He didn't ask for any? Did he just need to do a little caroling before work??? He wasn't singing along with anything. He just sang....Point to ponder...I think.
The thing I have learned about DC is that people are funny. There are 2 different types of people that live here. Those who want to be someone and those who are just trying to live a dream. I have no idea what category this guy lives in.
When you take a cab in DC you really learn a lot about this city. My co worker and I usually try to make friends with our drivers, trying to learn a little more, but also befriend someone who drives jerks around all day. Most of the drivers I have had aren't originally from here. They are usually from Africa or the Middle East, who moved here 25-40 years ago trying to make a life for themselves and their family. Most of them went to college, attempted a desk job for a while, but somewhere along the way... they started driving people around this great city of ours. But, the thing is, they are just so happy to be here. They are grateful and thankful for our country and the opportunities they have had here, whether it be a desk job or driving a car, they are happy right where they are. I just wonder if the guy on the Metro was trying to make a name for himself, or was he trying to live a dream...oooor....did someone dare him to do it?? Either way, there is never a dull moment when it comes to any mode of transportation you choose to take in this city...DC.