Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The return of my freshman year...

You can take the girl out of Oklahoma but you can't take the clumsiness out of the girl.
I don't know if you know me, but I tend to be a little clumsy in my step from time to time, and well, moving here has not changed that aspect about me at all. I never hurt myself physically except maybe bruising the pride a little, but other than that I am usually fine.

You may or may not recall my freshman year when I fell in my Gen Psych class with 150+ of you watching. Did I mention this happened on my FIRST DAY of my Fr. year? Terrified, I sat in the first seat I saw with everyone in the class staring at me. Then just when I thought all had forgotten about it (mid class) Dusty Davis leans down and says "Watch out for those stairs, they'll get you every time."

I was feeling pretty confident about myself this morning, which is usually when tragedy strikes my steps. As I was coming up out of the metro at Union Station along with everyone else who works on Capitol Hill, taking my first to cross the street my foot slips. I was so shocked when I all of a sudden I found my self on my butt! I mean, STUNNED! I quickly picked myself up as though it was all one motion in hopes that no one would see me, but I have a feeling they all saw this situation go down (literally). The man walking next to me asked if I was all right, which was very sweet. I answered "I'm good, thanks." and quickly walked shamelessly with my head down the rest of the way to our building. Now you would think I would be in the clear at this point as those around Union Station disperse to their own places of business, but as I was waiting for the elevator in my building one of my coworkers walked by and asked if I was okay. :( I sadly said "yes, thank you." and again shamelessly slinked myself onto the elevator and into our office. I hope this isn't an omen for the rest of my day.


Anonymous said...

I had no idea that happened to you your freshman year! As embarassing as it may have been, it's very cute! You have the greatest falling stories. You know my favorite. Just the thought of it...yep, I just spit out my food from laughing. It gets me every time.

Melinda said...

I totally remember you falling our freshman year! Hahahaha. Miss you and love you.