I know that it sounds bad and it kind of is, but I work caddy corner to what is known as "homeless row". The same ones are there every day. I've gotten to know them over the years and even give some their own name. Now, I'm talking about them as though they are not human, and believe me they are. I have chatted with some and they have amazing stories about how they got to where they are, others I truly believe have allowed themselves to go crazy over the years.
Homeless person #1:
We call him "the screamer". No one really knows his name, but he stands at Union Station by the newspaper stands and yells to his invisible friends about how the government took all of his money and they owe him his pension. He will cuss this "friend" of his out as he's yelling and throw numbers around like he would have been a millionaire if only the US Gov had given him his money. He is there every single day. He has a coat for the winter, a ratty umbrella for the rain, and short with no shirt for those hot humid summer months. He's truly amazing in his own right.
Homeless person #2:
She is better known as "the painted lady". We aren't sure exactly if she's man or woman, but she has tattoos covering her entire body, face included. She wears about 15 layers of clothing and just walks around town. She is everywhere, and if you ask anyone in DC if they have ever seen the "painted lady" they would tell you a different spot than the last person you asked, but theeeey've seen her. She makes appearances on "homeless row" from time to time.
Homeless person #3:
She is the "singer". When I am coming off of the metro in the mornings (and it's only in the mornings) I hear her. She's not bad, if I must say.
Homeless person #4:
She is the "dark lady". She yells, but it's only at random. She's pretty much the scariest person on our streets. She walks homeless row in a stare glaze type of eye. It's very Michael Meyers. Then! One time, a co-worker and I were walking from the metro and passing the "dark lady" the lady stopped and looked at my co-worker and yells "LESBIAN!!!!" We quickly kept walking, but... it was weird. My co-worker is in fact NOT a lesbian but married happily with two cool boys!
Homeless person #5:
"Do you have any change you could spaaare" guy. He is sweet. I have talked to him before and I give him money when I can.
Homeless person #6&7:
This is two people. They actually stand outside our office. When our parking lot was next door to our office, one would wash our cars for cash. Then would just keep asking for more. His buddy is missing a foot. Not sure what the story is, but we believe he makes more than we do. I think his friend used to live in our parking lot. He had this whole two story situation going on with his boxes and it took up two parking spots. We called him "Jack in the box". Needless to say "Jack" had to move. There is a building there now, but they hang around asking for money. I think one co worker asked him if they could borrow money from him. My co worker told him he has given more money to this guy than his own kids...
Last but not least and what made me even think of doing this piece.
Homeless person #8
I have only seen this lady a couple of times but I can hear her for BLOCKS! She SCREEEEEEAMS at her invisible friend! I mean I have never in my life heard anything like it in my life. This morning she was standing on the corner as I was crossing the street YEEEEELLLING at no one, or maybe just people passing by. But if you don't give her money she yells at you! Creeeeepy!
I encounter these people on a day to day basis. It makes me humble as I come from my home to my job, wearing clean clothes and with somewhat of a sound mind. And I sing that song all the way to the office, "count your blessings, name them one by one..."
I work in a mission field or a mine field depending on how you look at it.