We saw lots of bunnies and story book characters. I REALLY wanted my picture taken with Raggedy Ann and Andy, but Jenn thought that shoving a child out of my way might be thought of as wrong on sooo many levels. WHATEVER! I'm a kid at heart and I think that counts for something.
The kids did the ever so famous rolling of the eggs, which was quality entertainment at it's finest. We then stood in the 39degree weather to wait for the famous Easter Bunny and the President and First Lady to come out and say "hello"! It was chaos at it's finest. Children were everywhere, and the natives were getting restless to say the least.
Meanwhile I was looking around for Troy Aickman who was there to read a book to all the kiddos. I personally wanted him to read a book to me, but that's another story for another time (matt knows my aching for Aickman, he's okay with it. He has Jessica Simpson). It's all about the kids today.
Once the President, First Lady, Easter Bunnies, Jenna Bush and Barbra Bush all came out of the house to say "hello", we watched as the President blew the whistle that officially started the egg rolling festivities. Then we went to hear Laura and Jenna read a book to hundreds of children who probably cared more about the stuffed people walking around, as Alex was one in search for a yo yo. The parents however, were push to shove to get a glance at such an elegant woman as Laura. I have to say...girl crush, just a smidge. Did I mention that the Jonas brothers sang the National Anthem? Yeah, the lead forgot a couple of words and made it up. It was pretty funny.
Well, Jenn and I left Grace, Alex and their parents to enjoy the festivities as a family, while Jenn and I had to get to work. Not before we got our Easter pic taken and a little wave to Elmo and Gordon who joined us all of the way from Sesame Street. Oh to be a kid again!
and ps. the Cherry Blossoms are well into bloom!!
Tell me more about this secret yearning for Troy Aikman.
Wow, what a cool Easter event! I'm a little confused about what a child could hide in jelly beans, but whatever! Sounds like fun!
Hey Jane. Just a shout out to you and the Dub-ya.
Hey Jane. Just a shout out to you and the Dub-ya.
YOU got to see the Jonas Brothers!GET OUT!
I wanted to know more about your BoyTroy too. Fantasy unveiling!
Did you get to see the pope? I just really want you to be introduced as Jayna Hooker to the pope. Do it for me.
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