Monday, April 27, 2009

Thank you for being a friend...

Well, this weekend a beloved woman who graces my TV more than most, passed away. Not that I mourned, but the girls of gold are getting older, as two have now passed on, and it makes me sad a little as this show is like comfort food to me. I watched the "Golden Girls" religiously as a child on Saturday nights. As a kid, I rarely got the sexual humor, but I thought Rose was right up my ally. Still do. Now as an adult, I get the sex humor and it's funnier than it was in the 80's. There was rarely a life lesson to be learned at the end of each episode like "Full House". Nor was there ever any real slapstick comedy that forced you to just shake your head like "Family Matters". It was just 4 older women who lived together in one house and by the end of the series they were a family of 4 women brought together by life's circumstances and friendship. I guess it just reminds me of another relationship or two that I know.

Dorothy with her rigid sense of humor and extremely dry sarcasm has been greatly appreciated for years. Her relationship and dynamic between each woman was truly art, but it was the mother/daughter duo that always had me in stitches. Estelle Getty, who played Dorothy's witty and blunt mother, was the fan fave, even mine. She said the things that I could never say to anyone. If only I could be more like Sophia...
I told Matt that "Dorothy" passed away and he goes, "huh, must have run in the family.", as "Sophia" passed away in July of last year.

As much as I love TV, if you know me, "Golden Girls" ranks up there with "Sex and the City". As it was the SATC of the 80's.

So, to Dorothy and's to you. Stay Golden!


Dara said...

I immediately thought of you when I heard the news.

Mandy said...

And if you threw a party, invited everyone you knew, you would see the biggest gift would be from me!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Dara. I thought of you too.

babyblueeyed girl said...

Im with Dara and morgandi
i thought of you
this was a show i watched all the time in the 80s

Stacey Cannon said...

I loved the Golden Girls and was sad that she passed away too...

Stacey Cannon said...

Hey - Email me so we can chat a bit about churches! and "Stuff"!

Are you on FB?

Melinda said...

Hey sexy mama-to-be, I have tagged you on my blog. You can thank me later : )

Aubrie said...

I had no idea that you and Lucas shared the same heart for GGs! He will be happy to know that HE has a friend. He mourned that day, too. If you ever want to watch the show we have every season on DVD...