Thursday, February 23, 2006

A long weekend...

As many of you know this last weekend was one of our Nations great holidays where most use as an excuse to visit Macy's 75% sale. I fortunately got off of work on Monday as well, seeing that I am unemployed. I spent the weekend with my new friends. I have to say that it was the best weekend that I have had since my mom left. I honestly couldn't be more thankful for them. I mean, we didn't do a whole lot, but it was the interaction of caring people that I couldn't help but be so appreciative for. We went all over the city, which included an all expense paid trip to IKEA! It took all I had to say no to a few items, but the fact that there isn't much in my funds, it made it easier to say "no" to buying as well. We went down to Chinatown, ate at my favorite place, and introduced her H&M (still not buying anything.) We had planned on going to Mt. Vernon on Monday to celebrate the day of our nations presidents, but not so much. We slept in and I pretended like I had the day off. I wanted to have the full affect of what it's like to have a day off that OC doesn't acknowledge. It was great! There isn't much to tell about my adventurous weekend other than the fact that I have a new friend and I couldn't be more excited about it. That and I successfully found IKEA and can now drive through the district and home again, still managing to park Opal in a compact car parking spot. It was a good weekend.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Who are these so called "new friends" that you so fondly speak of?